Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Swimming Lessons
As expected, she was VERY excited. It's the last thing she talked about before bed, the first thing she talked about Tuesday morning, and proudly announced to Sue that we were taking swimming lessons. I wasn't worried about doing this with her AT ALL.
Tuesday, I pulled into the driveway about 5PM. Nece was obviously very excited to see me, as I wasn't out of the van and she was at the side...
"Mommy, I have my bathing suit on. I ready to go."
"Okay, Nece. Mommy needs to change and we'll go pretty soon."
That had to be the LONGEST 35 minutes of this kids life. Asking every 2 minutes "is it time to go?"
Finally, all packed up and ready to go. We drive over... talking about how we aren't here to 'just swim', we have to listen to the teacher, and no crying when it's time to leave. OK mom... we're in total agreement.
I pulled into the parking lot and went to Nece's side. Oh my gosh, if I could have captured the grin on this kids face and the pure joy as she clapped her hands.
Into the community center we go. Into the locker room. Put our stuff away and out to the pool area. We're about 5 minutes early, so we play in the water.
Then... I started to notice, we were the only ones without bright pink wristbands and I looked at the clock. It was about 6PM (start time) and I didn't really see any instructor like person.
6:05- nothing.
6:10- seriously, I'm starting to get mad. How can the instructor be late. Granted, it's probably a high school or college kid, but how rude.
Finally, I go over to the lifeguard and ask... are we in the right place for swimming lessons tonight?
I'm sorry, there are no lessons tonight. They start next week.
Oh, no. How am I going to explain this to a 3 year old that cannot contain her excitement?
Simply put, "Nece, mommy screwed up. There are no swimming lessons tonight. We have to wait one more week."
Definitely only partially registering. But no meltdown. My next thing, how in the heck am I going to get this kid out of the pool?
After about 10 minutes of playing in the water together, I get the words I was hoping to hear, "mommy, I have to go potty."
SWEET! Easy exit on this one. No tears and fully satisfied with her 25 minutes of playing in the water.
We arrived home, and daddy excitedly asked, "Nece, how were swimming lessons?"
"We didn't get to have swimming lessons. Mommy screwed up."
Daddy looked at me all confused and I had to admit, next week. I was wrong on my dates.
Shoot! We'll try again next week. I've already double checked start date and start time. Let's hope next Tuesday is as simple as this past Tuesday was for 'fake swimming lessons'.
A Summerlike Weekend
A great weekend, once again. Let's hope we continue to have beautiful weekends that allow us to spend lots of time outdoors, before the winter weather takes hold!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Doctors Appointments
Nece is 31 pounds and 38 inches tall. She falls into the 50th percentile for everything. She also had her first hearing test- perfect and eye exam- perfect for a three year old. Her vision is 10/20 which is equivilant to an adults 20/40... Perfect. Not shots this time around. We did talk a little bit about the typical three year old behavior with regards to sharing, fighting and bossiness. One little trick we're going to try is 'putting toys in a timeout' when they are causing an issue. We'll see how well this goes over.
Franny is 17 lbs 13oz and 28 inches tall (I think). She falls into the 5th percentile for everything. Her exam went perfectly, and she was the lucky recipient of 3 shots yesterday. There are new guidelines that strongly recommend children stay rear-facing until they are 2. This is something we talked in length about... we'll continue to leave her rear-facing for awhile, but it's highly unlikely we'll make it all the way til 2 years old. Doctor said this was fine, but try as long as we can because she is so little. As expected, I got a mini-lecture about giving her the bottle at bedtime. BUT this is THE only way I can get her down. My goal is to start weaning her down from the 8 ounces slowly and have her off the bottle by the time her 15 month check-up rolls around. That's the plan... we'll see.
Flu Shots and H1N1- yes both girls are in the high risk group and are recommended to get the shots. I have no problem having them get the flu shot, as its something I have been doing for years and Nece's gotten it every year also (Franny was too young last year). So, we'll be heading in for the annual flu shot next week. The H1N1 vaccine... this one I'm a tad more concerned about, need to do a bit of research on, but I will ultimately probably do what the CDC and doctor recommend.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Long, Lazy Weekend
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mom... I want makeup
Scavenger Hunts and Talent Shows
- sit on the couch and watch me
- no mom, don't dance- I dancing
- TV off, we don't need the TV on while having a talent show
- mom, keep Franny on the couch, I don't want her getting my stuff
- clap. stop clapping.
The good parents and little sister we are... we begrudgingly oblige. We listen to this horrible... I'm sorry fantastic pre-recorded music on the Mickey piano over and over and over again and watch Nece jump around in the living room. That is until I couldn't handle it ANY more on Saturday morning, and I had the brilliant idea to give the talent show to all the dolls. And here is what happened:
It worked for awhile, and we were given a reprieve. Until the talent show on Thursday night (we get a break tomorrow as we're headed to the Fair).
And the Scavenger Hunt
So, I pulled into the driveway last night and Nece was standing on the couch hollering something to me. I thought I heard the word 'paci', but couldn't figure out what she was saying. By the time I got to the back door, Nece was standing (or should I say jumping up and down) in the kitchen saying, Look Mom. See for yourself what was found:
And I think this kid was MORE than excited for bedtime (as this is the ONLY time she is allowed paci's) See for yourself: