It's been a fun week, thus far and the girls have enjoyed having some type of theme every day when getting dressed. However, Wednesday was Backwards Day. Nece wasn't really feeling the vibe of this one. Franny doesn't really know what's going on, so I'm able to do whatever I want to her! HA!
And, it was also parent appreciation day. When dropping off this morning, the school had breakfast treats out and afternoon snacks out for the parents!
Here are some pictures from Wednesday, Backwards Day!
And Thursday was color day for the girls. Each classroom was asked to wear a different color and an all school picture was taken. The toddler room was green and the preschool room was blue. It was also kid appreciation day and Lakeridge rented a jumper for the kids. From what I've heard, they had a BLAST! Once again, Franny doesn't know what's going on so it wasn't an issue... but Nece, that's a different story. This is how the conversation went between Wednesday night when picking out the outfit for Thursday and Thurday morning.
Nece, guess what. It's color day tomorrow. Franny's room gets to wear green and you get to wear blue.
Mom, I don't like blue. That's a boy color, how about pink and purple?
Nece... Katie (the director) picked colors and said, your room is the blue room today. (in my most excited voice)... I have a GREAT idea. Why don't you wear your jean skirt because it's blue and boys don't wear skirts.
That IS a great idea mom. Can I wear my Tinkerbell socks? The eyes are blue and they have sparkles on them.
Fast forward to Thurday morning. We're still all good with the outfit choice and we're putting on shoes.
Mom, what shoes should I wear today?
How about your Tinkerbell Crocs since they match your socks.
Nece thinks for a minute and then starts to put them on. She then suddenly stops. "Mom, I can't wear my Tinkerbell shoes today, they aren't fancy enough. I need my pink sparkly shoes."
Okay... and the pinks sparkly shoes it was!
Pictures from before school this morning and a couple I snapped when i got home today!
And let me just say... STAY TUNED to see what Friday brings to culminate Week of the Young Child!