Monday, May 11, 2009


After thinking long and hard, I've decided to give blogging a try, I mean a real try, for about a month. If I like it, I will continue, if I decide it's just another to-do and I don't enjoy it, I will stop.

What am I going to write about? Well... the girls. Why? Because all of our family lives at least two hours away. There are stories and tidbits on a daily basis that I mean to tell each of you when we talk, and I can never remember them or at least I don't remember them until after we hang up the phone. We also have lots of family members that we aren't able to connect with on the phone on a regular basis, and this will give you a little snip-it into what the girls are doing. And our friends, if you want to follow... the more the merrier!

And quite honestly, it seems that it's too difficult to keep up with the baby books... why, I don't know, but I can't seem to keep up with them. As most of you know, I'd much rather sit and putz on the computer. I hope at this point, I enjoy creating a blog, and that someday this will be my way of capturing all the little stories of what's happened, when its happened, and the funny things that come out little kids mouths.

Now, at this point, I do not believe this blog will go any further than our family and friends... but I have thought about the 'just in case'. (you all know me and my planning). I'll be using Nece (knee-see) and Franny at all times when chatting about the girls.

So, what's new?!?!

Franny, Well... since April 24th, alot. She has gone from barely crawling backwards, to cruising forward, to pulling herself up on furniture and just this weekend she showed us that she can climb the stairs. And where did she show off this new-found talent?!?! Of course, outside on the cement stairs going up to the housse. Franny is happy as a clam that she's now found freedom, and Nece is gonna be ticked that she's gonna have to keep her stuff away from her sister.

And Nece... well, anybody that has/had a little one knows that you never know what's going to come out of the mouth and how everything is so exciting. When landing in the windy city, we walked past the Blues Brothers, and there was my little Nece dancing her way through the airport. Or when we get to baggage claim, and she sees her sister's carseat and our suitcase on the conveyer belt and starts clapping and screaming "Yeah Airplane". Or when she follows her uncle's lead and hollars out, F 'em (but using the full word). Or when she asks her mom if she needs a toe-pan. Yes, you read correctly, toe-pan (that would be tampon for those of you who don't know her 2 year old language).

Or those sweet moments that she loves up her sister, and you can see the bond forming between the two of them right in front of your eyes. She is such a little protector and is such a good big sister.

How long are the posts going to be? Some days, short. Some days, maybe long. Next to-do is to figure out how to post pictures! I hope you guys like this idea, and find that it's going to be something to help you feel more connected, even though we're not a hop, skip and jump away from you physically.


  1. I'm always up for something that brings me closer to the people I am far away from. I am officially a follower of your blog.

  2. I think this is a great idea ... although it isn't quite up to "having breakfast with the ladies" and see the little shenanigans in "real time". And what a memory box you'll have the kids when they grow up!

  3. Oh Great, Yet another kind of site I have to learn. I am sure this one will be all about things I want to hear and not about things I don't need to hear. You know I love hearing about any of my little darlings!

  4. Now it is blog time, I have trouble with a cell phones, camera's, spell check and the Chicago weather. Hopefully when you guys come in next month you can bring something other than rain. Cindy was asking me last nite if I was tense about her wedding next month. She rolled her eyes when I said no, why should I be. I am not the one getting married, I told her to relax and to pass the salad. This is after she opened the trunk of her car in the storm and her lap top fell out on to the drive way.
    Cris if anyone need a place to stay next month for the wedding they are welcome to stay at our place.

    Love Grandpa Bob
