But of course, we know kids... and we know that kids don't always cooperate when it's their turn to shine. On Saturday the wagon was pulled out and Nece couldn't wait for Franny to sit in the wagon and push her. She got about four pews up, realized there was loud music playing and she had approximately 200 people staring at her. She turned back, and looked at me with the 'deer in headlights' stare... and this is what happened.
It was really okay though... you never know what to expect from a three and almost one year old. Cindy was prepared for whatever was about to happen that day, and she wasn't going to let it ruin it... only add a bit of character to it!
After the wedding, the girls went back with Emmie and Shauni (our babysitters for the weekend) and had a fun filled evening at the hotel. They went swimming, played with Arial, ordered pizza, ate lots of snacks and just enjoyed staying in the hotel. As I called up around 9P to see if the girls wanted to come down... I was informed they were both out cold. They were tuckered out from their big weekend, and it gave mommy and daddy some time to relax, cut loose and enjoy some adult time, with quite a few cocktails! Indeed a good time was had by all.
It was a very fast weekend, but one with memories to last a lifetime. One of the most very special things for me about the weekend, was the privlege my girls had to wear their flower girl dresses made by their 90 year old great grandma (my grandma). Those are true keepsakes that I will treasure forever, and know my girls will also appreciate as they get older.
Thank you grandma... something we will be able to treasure forever! We love you.
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