Thursday, October 22, 2009

Franny's not getting the shaft...

As I posted last night, and reviewed the blog quickly this morning, it looks like Franny is getting the shaft. Obviously this is not intentional... it just seems easier to tell 3 year old stories. So... what are the latest happenings with Franny on her 14 month birthday!

  • we had our 2nd flu shot yesterday. fun stuff, i know
  • she's still little... but we've now graduated into the 12 month clothes! FINALLY, I was getting so bored with her other stuff
  • within the last couple days, I've noticed that her 7th tooth has popped through (and it was one of the eye teeth, hello crabbiness)
  • she is cruising around EVERYWHERE; this kid doesn't just toddle around, she runs
  • she is into EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. It's like a little tornado has gone through... we move from the kitchen to the living room, to Nece's room with the toys to the bathroom. Funny thing though, she doesn't really rip her room apart. And the basement, I should just take a picture after she's been in the play kitchen and has everything completely ripped apart.
  • she feels the need to be a climber. This kid can get herself onto the bed, couch, chairs, and my personal favorite... is when I find her standing in the middle of the kitchen table with a little grin on her face like "I know I'm not supposed to do this, but here I am... what are you gonna do!"
  • she is STILL a mama's girl and loves to be with me. She still is my little snuggler and I love that
  • she isn't talking much... that we can understand, just the chinese babble. She does say mama, dad, and done consistently
  • she loves to get right in the middle and wrestle with her sister and dad
  • Marc makes this weird voice and she can imatate it like no other... it cracks us up every time
  • recently, she's started to help with little 'chores' around the house. She puts the dog bowls where they belong after Nece's fed them, she gives Reggie treats every morning (while Nece does Hazel), she closes the dishwasher when I'm putting stuff away, she puts Nece's pull-up in the garbage every morning, she gets her shoes and jacket

And that is a quick snapshot of what Franny is currently up to!

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