Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lots in the last couple weeks!

So, blogging isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. No... it's not hard to create the blog posts... that part is simple. The hard part is finding/making the time to create the posts. But, I don't think I'm gonna give up quite yet... I think there are a few of you out there that actually read my masterpieces (hardly, but whatever), right?

So tonight, I actually took time to download and tag a TON of pictures (like 300 or something from the past 6 weeks, but Cindy's shower was included in that so, it was probably about 125 or so). Now, I know, you are gonna ask... when can we see them. That would be another task on the to-do list. I still need to get them into dotphoto... Priorities... blog update or pictures? You tell me... I don't know.

The last couple weeks... busy, like usual. After Memorial Weekend we were looking forward to a couple weeks without having to travel anywhere... did that happen. Nope, but more on that in a minute.
After Memorial Weekend we finally planted our garden. Now, we've been talking about possibly doing a garden, but making the time to get it done is a different story. Marc decided that he wanted pumpkins (last fall, he informed me of this... that's when my wheels started turning). So, his little pumpkin patch has now turned into:
  • pumpkins
  • corn
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • carrots
  • onions
  • cucumbers
  • beans
  • tomatoes
  • peppers
  • cantaloupe
  • and probably something that I'm missing

Nece had a blast helping her dad plant the seeds while Franny enjoyed eating dirt and hanging out in her stroller. Nece understands there are seeds in the garden and likes to check on them... It's going to be a fun summer watching all our produce grow and being able to pick it (let's hope at least).

Last weekend, we received a call that Marc's grandma had passed away. She was 95 and very sick with Alzheimers for a long time. As sad as it is to see anybody that you love and care about pass away... we do believe this was a blessing, as the disease completely took her away from everybody and she wasn't the same lady that he and his siblings remembered growing up. Because of this, we got some unexpected family time with all the siblings and cousins. Here's a picture of all of us, and a couple of Nece with her cousins.

And we're back home again for what was a rainy and cold weekend. Saturday, we spent our day running errands (nothing fun and exciting), but Sunday we went to Grand Old Day. This is an annual festival in St Paul. Marc and I have been going for years, though, it's a bit different with kids. Prior kids, the cocktails started around 11A for a fun-filled day of drinks, sun and bands. Post kids... we get to Grand Ave by 9:45 or so, and enjoy the parade and home by noonish. Just to prove how crummy it was today... here's a couple pics that were taken. (Yes, the pics above with the cousins were taken 5 days ago... happy June in the MN).

So, that should bring you up to speed on the last couple weeks. And, while I'm at it I'm trying to think of any funny little snip-its...

  • Every day when driving by the local elementary school, Nece announces "there's my skew-el" and that she's going to ride the bus with Mya, Emmie and Ju-we (Julie, that's you)
  • Franny still has NOT popped that top tooth through... hopefully soon. Though I did notice she went through a mini growth spurt this week, as I've had to pull the 6-9 mo clothes out. I can't ever complain my girls didn't get good use out of clothes
  • The girls had a new babysitter one day, and from what I understand... they had a ball. I knew I had nothing to worry about when I told them I had to go to work, Nece looked at me and non-chalantly said "Bye Mom". Never even batted an eye! Thanks Kim... they look forward to having you back

Off for now! Enjoy a great week!!!

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