Thursday, December 17, 2009

Auntie Cindy's Visit

The weekend before my surgery Auntie Cindy came for a visit and it could not have come at a better time. It was Marc's second straight weekend of working ridiculous hours, a week before my surgery with lots to do and it had been awhile since Cindy got some good quality time with the girls.

So, how did we start the weekend out?!!? Of course by picking her up and going straight to the Mall of America for some good ole rides. Auntie Cindy didn't realize it beforehand, but she 'can't do' the Swings anymore. She found herself white, clammy, ready to get sick and people staring at her. Nece couldn't stop telling us that Auntie Cindy was scared.

After a fun-filled night at the Mall, we headed to the van to go home. All doors closed, all seatbelts buckled and I put the van into reverse. DING, DING, DING in the most ridiculous high pitched sound you could imagine. Between Cindy and myself, we screwed around with slamming doors, buckling and unbuckling seatbelts, closing the hood, turning the van off and on numerous times and there was NOTHING to stop the DING, DING, DING. So what did we do... drove home listening to DING, DING, DING the ENTIRE time and after the 25 minute drive we were ready to be put in the loony bin. Thankfully the next morning, afer driving back to Bloomington (25 more minutes of DING, DING, DING, I was able to get it into a shop and have the computer on the van reset. THANK GOODNESS.

If you don't know this, here is your lesson for the day- do NOT EVER put your care in anything but Park if there is a door open. It can mess with the sensors and the computer, and it doesn't have to screw it up right away. (your welcome from sending you to the point of craziness)

And while I was a breakfast club and Daddy was working (another 24 hour/close to it) shift, Auntie Cindy, Nece and Franny kept themselves busy with breakfast, lunch, playing and baking cookies. When I got home it was oh so peaceful. But everybody knows that doesn't last long in our house, as our lovely Franny takes cat naps and she was up before we knew it.

Now, it was the weekend of November 12... and 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, but there was ONE goal of the weekend. We HAD to get our Christmas tree up. I know, early, but considering the Nov 20 surgery, recovery time and that we always have to travel for the holidays it was this weekend or a really short time to enjoy Christmas decorations. So, early this year it was!

And since early November, we've been enjoying our tree and constantly moving the ornaments around!

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