Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Franny!

Wow!  You are TWO!  How did that happen?  As we drove back from Chicago today, I found myself looking at the clock all morning... around 10:25, I remembered this was the time that I got an epidural two years ago... around 11, I remembered that I felt like I had to push and then at 11:36, I looked at the clock and realized that 2 years ago today you were 3 minutes old.  I cannot believe how quickly the time flies by.

Let's see... where are you now?  I cannot wait for your two year appointment in a couple weeks to get the stats.  If I had to guess, I'd say you are 32 inches tall and 24 lbs.  We'll see how close I am on that.  You are still such a peanut.  Most of your clothes are 18 months, and you have started to wear 2T or 24 month shirts.  Without a doubt, you are still in 12 month bottoms... as the 18 month ones are still too big.

You have hit a huge milestone, and I can proudly say that I have a two year old that is 90% potty trained.  You did this on your own, as I fought putting you on the potty, because I thought you were just 'too little'.  But you weren't having it... every day as soon as you got home, the diaper came off and you wanted to sit on the potty.  You tell us most of the time when you have to go.  We are so proud of you.

You had your very first haircut yesterday.  There still isn't much to cut, but the back was shaped up, and we'll just have to wait to see how quickly the rest of your bleach blond hair grows in. 

Your personality... I think you have mommy's temper, but you look exactly like daddy.  One of your nicknames is little tornado.  You create a big mess wherever you do... and getting you to help clean up isn't the easiest.  You like to dance, you like to jabber, we understand more these days, but sometimes, I just have to wonder what you are talking about.  You love to pretend you are a baby and have us hold you like a baby.  So much so, that you've changed your name to Ella.  We'll see how much longer that lasts. You love Elmo.   In new situations, you are definitely shy and it takes you a bit to warm up, but once you're comfortable... look out!  You give the BEST hugs and kisses, and I love that.  You still love to snuggle, but not for too long anymore.  You are my champion little eater... of the good stuff.  You love your fruits and veggies and, like all other kids... candy.

Your sister... boy, you love and idolize your sister.  You want to do everything she does, even if your little body can't keep up.  It's fun to see how much you look up to her and how that special sister bond has already been created.  We can't wait to see that strengthen over the years.

You have completed our family of four, and we love you more than you will ever know!
Mom, Dad, Nece and your four legged family (Hazel, Reggie, Dennis and Leroy)

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