Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The BIG day!

This month has been extremely busy with planning for my big surgery on November 20, a visit from Auntie Cindy and daddy working weekend shifts of 24 plus hours. So where have we been and what have we been doing?

After many months of planning, squaring everything away with insurance, losing weight and getting excited November 20 was on the horizon. And that date was coming fast and furious. Knowing that I was having surgery, the list-maker and planner I am... I wanted to make sure that I had everything covered. So, this house got a major cleaning, I visited Let's Dish and made 10 meals, I stock-piled at the grocery store, Petsmart, made sure all Christmas decorations got up, got a jump start on Christmas shopping, got the girls packed and ready to go for a visit to grandma and grandpa M's and continued with the day to day duties of working, being a mom and being a wife. It seemed like it the day was never going to arrive and all of a sudden it was HERE! And how did I explain to Nece what was about to happen...

On Thursday night while eating pizza...
Nece, we have to have a talk.
Okay, mom.
You know grandma is coming tonight, right?
When you get up in the morning, grandma is going to be here. Daddy has to take mommy to the doctor.
What hurts?
Well, the doctor is going to fix my boobs.

End of conversation.

So, how did the surgery go?!?!

Good, if I must say so myself. Marc tells people that I look like Frankenstein with all the stiches and markings. Friday and Saturday I was completely out of it and didn't know very much. Marc was THE BEST. He made sure I had anything and everything I could ever need, he checked on me hourly to make sure I was okay, he even set my tray up with a bell and the 1st two nights set an alarm for every four hours to get me my medicine. Yes, a bell, if I needed him and he was outside, I had instructions to call his cell and if he was inside and in a different room, all I had to do was 'ring the bell'. Between he and Mona they started bandage changes on Saturday and Marc's been able to do it himself the last couple days. Still swollen, bruised, but looking better every day (so I'm told). On Sunday, I started to get more coherent, Monday I started stretching timeframes between the drugs, and by Tuesday I was essentially completely off the drugs and Wednesday I made my first trip out of the house by myself. Oh, how I enjoyed walking through the mall and pre-shopping for Friday morning!

There are definite limitations and I knew about those. No lifting greater than 10 lbs for 2-4 weeks... that's going to be interesting once Franny gets home. I can't really lift my arms more than parallel to the ground and if I go too far... my body reminds me very quickly, slow down. Showers take forever, but I'm getting better and better at it. We all know I am an independent person, and it is very hard for me to accept help, but I have NO choice. And I've been asking for help whenever I need it (which is alot).

The girls were going to come home this past Sunday (2 days post-surgery), but we decided to leave them at Grandma's for the week. According to grandma, they haven't asked for either of us once, they don't seem to act like they are missing us and when I called tonight, Nece didn't want to talk to me. Boy, I hope she's not angry at us... if she is we'll deal with it.

So, after a busy month of planning, I feel like it was all worth it. My 'work' around the house is pretty minimal, meals are planned and prepared for the next couple weeks, I have a husband that has been fantastic and my girls are coming home within 48 hours!

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