Monday, May 3, 2010

And... the chaos begins.

So, what happens in our house when we get a phone call on a Friday morning from Grandma M that says, "I miss those girls, I don't have anything going on this weekend... I am coming up to get them for the weekend."


To this:

Okay, so it's not entirely true that this happened as a result of Grandma M calling.  We had been talking about making the house more functional and moving the girls upstairs.  Remember, I mentioned that awhile back?!?!  Marc is only working minimally from April 30- May 4th, so it made sense to get started on this project.  The original plan was for Marc to work upstairs and I'd keep the girls busy all weekend... after I saw the beginning stages of the mess on Friday afternoon, I cannot tell you how glad we were to have the girls stay with grandma, grandpa and Jon.  I was able to get cleaned out and organized (as much as you can say this is organization right now) and the girls were able to have a dedicated weekend full of fun with their cousins, Auntie Erica, Uncle Jon and Grandma/Grandpa.  THANK YOU very much, I never realized how much that phone call was going to help us out.

And the chaos of how we're going to be living for the next 4 weeks at least.  And what is the positive of this mess... and yes, there is a positive to this disaster... bags upon bags of clothes that no longer fit, bedding that is no longer needed and some baby toys are ready to be donated AND my garbage is overflowing... There aren't pictures to show the 'after', but we're not living in this much of a mess... but it seems close as we've lost an entire level of our house including TONS of storage space for the time being.

And of course, we were able to have a bit of fun at a bonfire both Friday and Saturday night.

So, what's next?
  • finish sheet rocking
  • tape and mud
  • trim
  • paint (stay tuned on the colors... there is a hint in one of the pictures)
  • rip out carpet
  • lay new carpet
  • decorate
  • get the girls upstairs
  • clean
  • begin the next project of turning Franny's room into our room
Stay tuned... I'm sure there will be additional updates!

1 comment:

  1. The best sister EVERMay 4, 2010 at 1:52 PM

    I love the picture of Marc playing "Down in the Valley". At least, that is the only song he was able to play after his two guitar lessons.....
